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MSI Defence Naval Weapon Systems Product Presentation

  07 September 2021
MSI Defence Naval Weapon Systems Product Presentation

As missiles get more advanced and powerful, guns and ammunition are becoming smarter and deadlier as well. They are no longer a customary installation on a warship, but an absolute necessity. In the 2nd half of the 20th century, missiles started replacing guns in various roles, but now we see that guns have started replacing missiles to a large extent in many roles. It is safe to say that in the future, naval guns and missiles will co-exist and depend on each other to cover their weaknesses.

To overcome such challenges, BTI Defence introduces MSI Defence line-up of Naval Gun Systems to TNI-AL in Jakarta on Tuesday, 7th September, 2021, attended by Secretary of DISSENLEKAL, KASUBDIS INDALSEN, and officer from SKOMLEKAL.

Three different gun was introduced, including Seahawk LW 20H A1 as well as Terrahawk MWS and its Naval version. MSI-Defence Systems (MSI-DS) designs and manufactures a range of products from leading edge weapon systems through to underwater systems. With over 125 years of experience in defence equipment manufacturing, on The ability to provide unique and cost-effective solutions, optimised to meet the most stringent of customer requirements.

BTI Defence is an Authorized Partner of MSI Defense System Ltd, a a world-leader in the supply of small/medium calibre Gun Systems and has been at the forefront of naval gunfire control technology. The highly acclaimed Seahawk family of Naval Gun Systems, developed from combat experience, fulfils a multi-role requirement for all classes of vessel.

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